– Philipsburg Seventh-day Adventist Church 17th March 2018 – 7:00am
Global Youth Day became a huge success at the Philipsburg church, with the Adventist Youth and Health Ministries Departments teaming up to make a difference in the community. The youth department under the direction of Raphael Dowe, took to the streets to share Gods live with food, water, apples and soup. The Health Department under the leadership of Jacky Barry gave free screenings and free breakfast to the community. People had their glucose level, high blood pressure, height, weight, dental, HIV status checks. The Health and Dental Mobile were on hand to lend a hand to the project. The hospitality team under the leadership of Mrs. Janet Gumbs, prepared tasty breakfast for 200 persons in the community.
The Youth department distributed 100 soup bowls and gifts from the church members in our food drive, grocery gift bags were shared by the Youth leaders, Pathfinders and other Youth Ministry leaders and volunteers from the membership , with those in need. The areas covered were Blyden Drive, Cul de Sac, Cay Hill and Fort Willem with warm soup bowls. There was a concept shared with the AY by the creativity of sister Clara George called ‘ Time for an Apple’ which consisted of Red Delicious Apples and booklet called the Power of Hope that was given to drivers and pedestrians near the roadside at PSB bank on Bush Road St.Maarten. The 6 youth and youth leader shared a health nugget and a word of hope to the apple recipients
The Health Ministries department and the Youth department extends a hearty “Thank You” to all those who contributed one way or the other to make their first 2018 project a huge success. Health Min leader Barry and Youth leaders and their teams would like to thank the members of the church who volunteered their time to make this possible. They also extend gratitude to the AY, Hospitality, Elders, members, Pathfinders, parents and staff, Cooks and assistants and of course the general public from Bush Road, Zagersgut Road, Cul de Sac for doing their part to make this possible.