Welcome To Philipsburg Seventh-day Adventist Church Website
The Third Angel message was presented to the community of Dutch and French St.Maarten in November 1950.
A viligant a Spirit filled Anguilian Brother Atkin Rogers introduced the Great Commission to ” Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel and so he crossed the Anguilla channel and spread this message from door to door and from village to village.
In his Travel some people grew interested and they began to study the bible. Brother Charles Payne kept bible studies alive and as a result of their fellowship which was known to all as Great Bay eight precious souls were renewed in a new life in the water grave of baptism.
What a day of rejoicing that must have been among the angels in heaven Oh the wilderness days hold memories so sweet our senior believers of this island.
The Church Moving On
In December of 1950, the first Sabbath was celebrated with the new believer. Old song of the faith herald through out Safely through Another week; They Come from the East and West; just to mention some of the believers’ favorites.
These Humble beginnings brought even General Conference Executive Pastors to our Shore. They were empowered so to speak by the visit of the General Conference President Pastor White and Pastor Nomad. Pastor Shillingford presided over the District and he was the shepherd ans brought structure to the company.

Our Mission
The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, as articulated in the church’s mission statement, is to proclaim to all people the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angels’ messages of Revelation 14:6-12. The commission of Jesus Christ compels us to lead others to accept Jesus as their personal savior and to unite with His church, and nurture them in preparation for His soon return. That’s at the heart of the church’s mission and is accomplished through preaching, teaching and healing ministries.
From its inception, the church was intentional to articulate and practice its mission by communicating the message of the gospel throughout the world. The term “global mission” is synonymous with reaching the peoples of the world no matter where they are, and in the context of their lives. Adventists are a global community. Adventists are committed to making education accessible everywhere. At the heart of the Adventist education system is the conviction that every individual should have the opportunity to study and grow.
Adventists also believe that Christian life includes both spiritual and physical health, thus you will find Seventh-day Adventists involved in promotion of health and wholeness. Recognized as a growing church, Seventh-day Adventists are involved in providing betterment for all human beings and especially reaching out to provide practical help to those affected by disaster or those requiring development assistance.
“Do unto others . . .” is a phrase known to Seventh-day Adventists. In order to accomplish the mission goals of the Christian church, Adventists are promoters of human freedom and responsibility, especially emphasizing freedom of religion for all peoples.